Saturday, September 6, 2008



My name is Dave Adalian, and I'm taking Mystery Fiction X103.9 from the UC Berkeley Online Extension. The class -- which I am enjoying very much, thank you for asking -- requires a research project in order to pass, and as part of the project the professor asked her students to keep an ongoing investigative journal. With Dr. Koory's permission, this blog will serve as that journal.

(Wondering what it's like to take the class? Read this.)

Posting my work here will also allow anyone who wants to follow along as I research the first detectives in my hometown of Visalia, Calif. I also intend to publish the finished work here, though probably not in the same format as what I will turn in for my grade (though I will let you know how that goes).

What I'm going to do is research the first police detectives to work in Visalia and write about them. When I was going through the list of possible project topics, this one seemed a natural as I know a lot the people and resources I'll need well. Now, however, in the harsh light of day, it occurs to me this might not be as easy as I assumed it would be. I hope not. I don't want this to be too easy. (But, I also don't want to become discouraged.)

Seems promising, yes? I hope so. This isn't the first time Dr. Koory has let a student blog his research, and it seems to have worked out for him. Here's wishing I do as well!

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